Planning for my new 3D printer

Sep. 12, 2024

So, I have been 3D printing for a little while now. Not as long as many, but a little while. It has been about 4 years now, when I get my first and currently only 3D printer. So where have I come from and what is next on my 3D printing journey?

My journey started with a Creality Ender 3 Pro, I was lucky enough to get a slightly more polished version with the “PRO” version. I am a tinkerer by nature and I learn the most by doing.

My Ender 3 Pro is VERY FAR from stock, it did not remain stock for very long, like I said “I learn by doing“. So what have I done to this printer?

  1. Changed from Creality build to Marlin
  2. Marlin 1.0 -> Marlin 2.0
  3. Added BLTouch
  4. Custom wiring and extensions
  5. External MOSFETs added for bed and nozzle heating
  6. Install Octoprint
  7. Custom printed control box
  8. Marlin 2.0 -> Klipper
  9. Added a camera, multiple actually
  10. Install Mobileraker
  11. Added Runout Sensor – BTT SFS 2.0
  12. Added KlipperScreen with BTT HDMI 5.0
  13. Upgraded to Direct Drive – Orbiter 2.0
  14. Upgraded to Apogee
  15. Move Klipper from RPI3 to an Intel NUC (Yes, it is possible, just needs time, patience and perseverance)

Like I said, done a few things 😊

So, what did this lead to?

I learned a lot about 3D printers and how they work. Broke some parts, replaced many more, clogged nozzles, cleaned nozzles. I have had some amazing prints but I have also spent countless hours debugging, tweaking and searching online.

NOW, I am looking for a workhorse, something that just prints and prints well all the time (ok, most of the time – cannot be all the time – this is simply not possible). I am happy about the learning and the like and that knowledge will still used with the new printer and helping others in the 3D Printing community. It is however time for something new – a workhorse if you will.

Can you guess which printer I have ordered as a replacement?